Friday, April 18 at 8 p.m.
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D-Stanley has added a photo to the pool:
A carnival dancer in Woodford Square at Port of Spain, Trinidad.
D-Stanley has added a photo to the pool:
Mas Factory on Buller Street in the Woodbrook neighborhood of Port of Spain, Trinidad, produces bent wire carnival costumes.
pedro lastra has added a photo to the pool:
TravelsWithDan has added a photo to the pool:
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San Francisco, CA
Jokoleo has added a photo to the pool:
Umberto Luparelli has added a photo to the pool:
A San Rocco, il santo protettore degli appestati, è dedicato questo luogo di culto la cui facciata è in bianca pietra d'istria.
E' collocata in un fazzoletto di campo omonimo, delicato e sincero, occupato, in parte, dal retro dell'enorme Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari.
Costruita da Bartolomeo Bon, la Chiesa di San Rocco ha un impianto ad una navata sola con presbiterio absidato e due cappelle poste ai lati.
Nel 1725 la chiesa è stata ristrutturata radicalmente da Giovanni Scalfarotto. Ora l'interno della chiesa è costituito da una navata con quattro altari laterali e due cappelle absidali e decorato da dipinti del Tintoretto, di Giovanni Antonio Fumiani e da Sebastiano Ricci. Ai lati dell'altare sono conservati alcuni frammenti della decorazione del presbiterio del Pordenone.
Nel 1765 iniziarono invece i lavori di ristrutturazione della facciata ad opera di Bernardino Maccaruzzi. La facciata, divisa da due ordini di colonne corinzie, presenta delle nicchie con statue di Santi, opere di Giovanni Marchiori e Giovanni Maria Morlaiter.
The Church of Saint Roch (Italian: Chiesa di San Rocco) is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Roch in Venice, northern Italy. It was built between 1489 and 1508 by Bartolomeo Bon the Younger, but was substantially altered in 1725. The façade dates from 1765 to 1771, and was designed by Bernardino Maccarucci. The church is one of the Plague-churches built in Venice.
St. Roch, whose relics rest in the church after their transfer from Voghera (trad. Montpellier) in, was declared a patron saint of the city in 1576. Every year, on his feast day (16 August), the Doge made a pilgrimage to the church.
Near the church is the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, noted for its numerous Tintoretto paintings. It was founded in the 15th century as a confraternity to assist the citizens in time of plague.
Emmanuel Catteau photography has added a photo to the pool:
The island, located about 230 kilometres northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. In the centre of the island are the remnants of an extinct volcano rising to two peaks, Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu, the highest point at 727 metres. Bora Bora is a major international tourist destination, famous for its aqua-centric luxury resorts.
Seb97470 has added a photo to the pool:
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C.Bry@nt has added a photo to the pool:
D-Stanley has added a photo to the pool:
Three Trinidadian ladies enjoying some afternoon pan drumming in Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain.
D-Stanley has added a photo to the pool:
Batteries of oil drums are a feature of Trinidadian steel bands.
D-Stanley has added a photo to the pool:
The NGC Steel Xplosion orchestra playing "Dust in Dey Face" at Panorama 2014 in Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Danielme has added a photo to the pool:
Seb97470 has added a photo to the pool:
Human shadows in sunset light.
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Umberto Luparelli has added a photo to the pool:
Huey Yoong has added a photo to the pool:
Copenhagen, Denmark
C.Bry@nt has added a photo to the pool:
DingoShoes - Carpe diem has added a photo to the pool:
tango- has added a photo to the pool:
DingoShoes - Carpe diem has added a photo to the pool:
Emmanuel Catteau photography has added a photo to the pool:
The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile is one of the most famous monuments in Paris. It stands in the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle (originally named Place de l'Étoile), at the western end of the Champs-Élysées. The Arc de Triomphe honours those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and the Napoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces.